
We use Nuxt Plugins when adding app-level functionality. Plugins provide better configurability and helps keeping app.vue setup cleaner. To create a plugin, create a directory named plugins and files which are located in this directory will be autmatically registered. We prefer using object syntax to create a plugin. Demo is at /demo/plugins.

export default defineNuxtPlugin({
  name: "demo",
  setup () {

Files which are not located in the root /plugins directory are not automatically registered, they should be added in nuxt.config manually

Nuxt Runtime Hooks

We can register to Nuxt runtime hooks to provide functionality such as handling exceptions.

hooks: {
  'app:error'(error) {

Providing Helpers

Helpers can be provided on nuxtApp and can be accessed by nuxtApp.${helper} name. Use the sample below to provide helpers on nuxtApp instance.

// plugin
setup() {

const counter = useCounter(); // custom composable

return {
    provide: {

// index.vue
<script setup>
const counter = useNuxtApp().$counter